Friday, August 15, 2014

Three Pointers on How to Prepare for a San Diego Facelift Procedure

A San Diego facelift procedure can successfully make an individual’s face look younger than it really is. This is because it targets signs of aging like facial sagging, deep creases below the lower eyelids and along the nose, and loose skin and fatty deposits under the chin and jaw. Those who have decided to undergo facial rejuvenation surgery can benefit from following these three pointers on preparing for it:

Make adjustments in medications

Individuals undergoing a facelift in San Diego can expect their surgeons to advise making adjustments in their medications. For instance, herbal supplements like ginseng and St. John’s can increase bleeding occurrences, so patients are typically advised to steer clear of these. Aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen should also be avoided because they heighten bleeding risks.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this page. If you are thinking about having a facelift, the good news is that great strides have been made in modern facelift techniques. While early facelift operations tightened only the skin, modern facelifts remove excess skin, laxity (looseness) of facial muscle, and excess fat often found in the lower face and neck. The facelift procedure, also known as a rhytidectomy, can improve the contour of your lower jaw or jowls and soften lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth.

    facelift reconstruction
